Conceptual Public Service Announcement Poster
Water is Life
The project consists of creating three conceptual posters to communicate awareness of an important community topic.
The topic chosen is water conservation in the western United States.
The Western United States faces a water crisis. Twenty-five years of drought conditions has left the land dangerously parched and unable to sustain future demographic needs. Current reservoir levels average around 30% of their traditional storage. Large reservoirs, like Lakes Mead and Powell are critical to metropolitan populations by providing drinking water, agriculture, and hydro-electric power. Across the West, all of these needs are at a risk. Efforts of correct climate change are important. But, in the meantime, individual effort to conserve water is essential to survival.
Water is life.
The Ad Council is renowned for its work in Public Service Announcements (PSA). From early recognizable work promoting the National Park Service and preventing forest fires with Smokey Bear, to the needs of today - autism awareness, refugee support, etc. this group is the standard of design. Taking similar styles, create a campaign to support the awareness of water conservation in the Western US.
Water provides so much more to our lives than just the apparent conveniences. Water is the fundamental basis to life, growth, power, health, economy, and happiness. Without water, we risk food scarcity, increased inflation, loss of electricity, and numerous other necessities. We also lose hope in the future happiness of our children. Water is their life.
Background images are overlaid with a raindrop shape that reveals the impact of lack of water.
I have broken the images into 3 important needs.
Water is food - represented by an arid, barren climate.
Water is safety - represented by unchecked wildfires.
Water is joy - represented by the smiles on children's faces.
Water is life.

Water is life.
