Doug Dean's profile

RMU Change A Life

Changing Lives
This integrated campaign created for Robert Morris University was driven by the powerful stories of students who changed their lives by changing other's lives. The hero line, "Change Someone's Life, It Changes Yours Forever," was created by Pittsburgh ad legend, Ray Werner. Intended to be a general awareness campaign for the public, the idea also found itself within RMU's admissions materials. 
Producing the campaigned required bringing video and photography crews to various parts of the globe: from Pittsburgh, PA to Washingoton DC to Nicaragua.

The campaign won numerous awards including:

Educational Advertising Awards: Best of Show (campaign), Gold (campaign), Silver (television series)
Gold ADDY (television, local - campaign)
Additional Credits:

Ray Werner (Writer)
Longfellow Productions (Television Production)
Jeff Gardner (Director)
Duane Rieder (Photographer)
Rob Larson (Photographer's Assistant)
Bill Krowinski (Designer)
Katherine Reel (Stylist)
RMU Change A Life

RMU Change A Life

Integrated Campaign for RMU, "Change A Life"
