Classical music has been an important part of many countries' culture for decades. Today, people know less and less about important musicians like Beethoven or Mozart. This book was made to create a special experience while reading about one of the most famous pianist of all time: Chopin.
I used two different grid for this project (6:5 and 4:2). The goal was to create a sense of space, but maintain a variety when it comes to the way the elements are placed in the pages.​​​​​​​

I kept my design simple, focusing primarily on negative space. Since a classic piano is mostly black and white, I wanted to represent that through the pages of this design. This book is divided in even sections with an introduction explaining each type of pieces.

Each piece has a QR code that leads to a personalized page where you can listen to the actual melody while reading. (the QR codes have been disabled for this presentation).

Here are the final results. Enjoy!
Thanks for watching!
© 2021 Anaëlle Aleyna Filteau
Chopin Book Design

Chopin Book Design
