For the article "To Crush ISIS, Make a Deal With Assad" On the illusion of moderate Syrian Rebels, and the road to war.
For the article "A Nation Shocked by Ferguson, Mo." On the Police's relationship with The people of Ferguson.
For the article "The Ambiguities of the Bergdahl Case" On Bowe Bergdahl's distorted Identity.
From the article "Hunger Striking at Guantánamo Bay" About the prisoner hunger strike at Guantanamo Bay.
For the article "In the Shadow of Assad's Bombs" On the struggles of the Free Syrian Army.
For the article "Egypt's Journalists, Still Under Siege"  About the new threat to Egyptian Journalists after the fall of  Mubarak.
For the article "Will Freedom Bloom in the Desert?" On the Stateless citizens of West Africa.
From the article "The Mideast and the Campaign, Roiled" On the death of Lybian Ambasador Chris Stevens.
From the article "Haiti's Orphan Democracy" On the elections in Haiti, and cautious hope for the future.
For the article "My Life as a Diplomat" On the fading hope for peace in Somalia.
From the article "The Shadow of a Smile" About fleeing the 1989 Hungarian Revolution.
From the article "Haiti's Orphan Democracy" On the elections in Haiti, and cautious hope for the future.
For the article "Detainees in Despair" on the detainee's conditions in Guantanamo.
For the article "Compassion Fatigue on Darfur?" On the genocide in Darfur.
For the article "The Great Divide on Immigration" On immigration and the American Dream.
For the article "Winning the Battle, Losing the War" On the anniversary of the Tet Offensive.


A selection of Op-Ed drawings I've done over the years for the New York Times.


Creative Fields