Photographs taken by (top) Rihl W. and (bottom) Brenda Clark
For Subcategory 3 I had worked on Panoramic images. Panoramic is a form of photography that focuses on having an extremely wide view. There are 3 forms of panoramic photographs; Partial(see above), 360, and Spherical. Partial panoramas are the most common, as you can easily do them, even on your phone. Partials are panoramas going from left to right, and captures only a partial amount of your surroundings. 360 panoramas are again, exactly what they sound like, a 360 view of your surroundings, capturing everything in view. 360 panoramas come out as a long image, similar to partial panoramas, unlike the 3rd kind. Spherical panoramas are panoramas that come out as circles, capturing a 360 degree shot. The reason why it's the image comes out like a circle is because of the way it's shot. a partial and 360 panorama are shot facing forward, but a spherical panorama shoots in every angle, capturing your complete surroundings, and then like all panoramas, is stitched together using a software meant to do so. When it comes to Panoramas, shooting with a 35mm to 50 mm focal length is the preferable choice. Overlapping images is also important, so you don't leave any gaps in your image. 


credits to Rihl W. and Brenda Clark for photographs
