Shaun Gallacher's profile

Tanked! (2D Side Scrolling Platformer Shooter)

Tanked! is a game about a goldfish called Scales he has been trapped inside a fish tank his entire life and dreams of being free swimming in the deep blue sea. Scales has decided to break out of his prison but the only way to escape is to break down the tanks glass walls. The other fish think Scales has gone mad and that he wants to kill all the fish by breaking the tanks wall’s, but they do not understand that they are imprisoned.
Main Menu of Tanked! designed to look like a combination bewtween a fish tank and the ocean
Controls option takes the Player to this page as it depicts the Player movements and in game collectables and score points for each breakable item and enemy, it also shows objects that can be used to help the Player in their gameplay strategies
The Level One Layout is designed to be a clean section of the fish tank which depicts the level of difficulty, each level gets more murky looking as the levels get a little harder. The High Score Counter is also displayed at the top left corner of each level, each fish and breakable object gives thier score points
Level Two Layout gets a little more darker toned and more aggressive enemies and less places to hide and to use to your advantage
Level Three is dark toned as well with stronger, faster and bigger enemies that are on the hunt!
Level Four is the same layout as Level Three but has one big bad enemy which is Scales' owner the Big Boss Hand, Scales has to shoot Spitballs to fight off the hand just like all the enemies. The Big Boss Hand is very strong and can manoeuvre and adpat to it surrounds to catch Scales
Once all the enemies have been killed Scales' high score will appear on the Winner Screen with Main Menu options
If Scales is Killed by an enemy the Game Over Screen will display the current score with a dead Scales going belly-up floating to the top of the screen
Depiction of in game Items
Tanked! (2D Side Scrolling Platformer Shooter)


Tanked! (2D Side Scrolling Platformer Shooter)
