Aspen Chidester's profile

ART 235 | Project 01

ART 235 | Project 01
Project Description:
In this project I took a simple object that has a useful purpose and manipulated it to display the following 6 creative strategies: combination, isolation, metaphor or simile, change of context, shape similarity, and material change. I expanded the concept of one object by expressing it using the principles of design to showcase meaningful ideas.
Project Images:

Photoshop Combination Design
Combination: Taking two things that have nothing in common and combining them in a way that makes them look like a whole new object.
Photoshop Isolation Design
Isolation: Focusing on one object and surrounding it with negative space, or a background that does not take away from the focal point. Making the focus of the composition especially highlighted.
Photoshop Metaphor or Simile Design
Metaphor or Simile: Creating a composition that has an altered meaning from the elements it is composed of, either by making a new meaning with the composition, or by using the objects to bring out their own meaning in a different way.
Photoshop Change of Context/Environment Design
Change of Context/Environment: Creating contrast between an idea and an object in a specific manner to accentuate the message and altered ideas. Placing images of nature or larger ideas and displaying them out of their natural state.
Photoshop Physical Shape Similarity Design
Physical Shape Similarity: Taking the shape of an object and pairing it with something that looks similar to it, or combining them so that one unrelated thing takes place of what it looks like.
Photoshop Material Change, Swap, Focus Design
Material Change, Swap Focus: Taking an object or material that we know looks a certain way, and overlapping or replacing certain elements with something else that fits the mold of what the other thing looked like.
ART 235 | Project 01


ART 235 | Project 01
