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YB-Book Layout Experimentation

Front Or Back Cover Experimenting
What I Liked:
-I Think i really like the full bleed for my cover as it really stands out and is more eye-catching which is what i would want to do to attract my viewer upon first glance 
-I do also like the colour work around my front cover as it is more in keeping with what i want to included within my inside pages

What I Didn’t Like:
-I think with full bleed covers it can be risky as you need to leave some bleed and this will really depend on my final image selected to have enough room around the border 
-Alongside that with the colour bleed i don't want this to creak or leak when printing onto my image or even wear over time

Inspiration I’d Take:
-I think i will definitely be using one of these two layouts for my front and back cover while trying to in keep the same design element as my inside cover on what i will choose for that too.
Inside Page Layout Experimenting
What I Liked:
-I think doing this has really helped me to think about my images more and how i will layout them out to be successful 
-I think that a lot of these layout really work well with my image especially as i want to included the two images of the subject together on each spread keep it as a theme for each page 
-I definitely want to included full bleeds as many of my inspiration included  this element and i think it works very well for this style 

What I Didn’t Like:
-Again i'm worried at colour and it spreading or taking too much attention from the images 
-I also haven't test print any of the other layout using more colour then what i have before in the blue spread doing a similar print
-I also have to remind myself that i will be printing into a book which means that i have  to remind myself of gutters which some layouts wouldn't work with

Inspiration I’d Take:
-I have definitely been inspired by this as it has helped me to play around with my final images to see what works best with them overall and create inspiration for other print i might continue to do later one
-However i think i will stick to my original layout which i have printed and tested before 
Favourite Layouts
YB-Book Layout Experimentation


YB-Book Layout Experimentation


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