Shiper - Ramadan Key Visual (Warehouse Edition)

Ramadan Key Visual - Warehouse Edition

Shipper is one-stop logistic brand that helps all sellers to solve their logistic’s needs as they as the holistic service from warehousing to shipping.

As Shipper is gonna run their Ramadan campaign, therefore they will have KV to introduce “Kekuatan Besar di Balik Percuananmu” as their main idea throughout this year and to communicate that Shipper will help you for every logistic needs during Ramadan.

Agency: Flock Storikka

Executive Creative Director: Iswanda Mardio
Creative Director: Derry Gautama
Creative Group Head: Rifqa Nikita
Art Director: Septiady Cahyo 
Copywriter: Fadli Fikriawan
Graphic Designer: Kevin Hasbi
Account Team: Rini Sibarani, Dani Nurman, Jeremy Manao
Strategic Team: Richard Teo, Satria Perdana
D.I. Team: Tandaseru Detailed Imaging
Shiper - Ramadan Key Visual (Warehouse Edition)