DND Dice Tower

I made this dice tower as a way to contain my dice when I roll them and to store my dice when I'm not using them. I didn't have a good storage system for my dice and had just been keeping them in a small felt bag that was bursting at the seams. My dice also kept falling off the table when I would roll them, but now they stay in the bottom of the box instead of flying off everywhere.

At its simplest, this project is a box with a smaller box inside it. But it also has hinges and a latch for ease of use and security, and I painted all the sides in different colors to make it nice and pretty. I put my dice in the top of the acrylic tube and then they fall down it, making a very nice noise as they clink on each of the pieces of acrylic inside. The box scrambles the dice and then when I'm done all I have to do is close the lid instead of struggle to clean up.

This project is meaningful to me because it's based around DND, which is a very meaningful game to me. I play it with my friends every week, and each time we play we come up with some new ridiculous thing to laugh about and have fun with. I love my friends and this way I get to think of them every time I look at the box I made to use with them.

from left to right, top to bottom

I made this box in four hours. However, I needed to prototype beforehand, because I knew that the laser cutter would be a precious commodity. I made a foam core version before the Hackathon and adjusted the measurements of my boxes based on what I cut out. I assembled the pieces with hot glue, attached everything together with hinges and a latch, put in a ribbon and fabric lining, and painted the box. I left the front of it blank for the Hackathon because I didn't have time for it to dry before presenting and didn't want to get paint all over my hands. But after I painted all of it I ended up being very happy with the final product.
DND Dice Tower

DND Dice Tower


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