ensō is a capsule collection of digital animation artworks created in collaboration by artists EKS.REI and Jay Lee, with sound designs by Tokiomi.

This series features 1/1 edition works in perpetual loops that exist on-chain as ERC721 NFTs.

In Zen philosophy, ensō is a revered symbol embodying the absolute and the void. It is a meditation on presence, impermanence and continuity.

The collection is sold out - visit enterenso.xyz for more info.
ensō : phase I

Approach to find there is no beginning; 
follow to find there is no end.
Observe things as they are, without the need to control, 
and you’ll discover that all changes, 
like seasons, are endless rebirths of the past.


Those who look outward, dream.
Those who look inward, awaken.
The world through our eyes is not as it is,
but as we are. 
Trust your natural responses, let go of the illusion,
and everything will be revealed to you.


Fear and doubt are phantoms.
Seeing into darkness is clarity,
The path toward the light is often
through the shadows.
Can you remain still, while the mud settles?
and the water becomes clear?

To be reborn, we must first allow
ourselves to perish.
Discard the concept of separateness
and embrace all that comes.
Give it all up, to attain everything in return.
Through this practice, we learn transcendence. 


