The Illustration is inspired on the article which the virtual idols' concert had attracted millions of people’s attentions to join and involved in it. The concept of the illustration based on creating a fantasy and imaginative place of virtual idols which is contrast with the common human which had built up a trend of virtual idols among people.  

As the virtual idols is created by unique and perfect feature with people desire to have, it could be any form and type as it depends on the imagination. Therefore, from my illustration I design the characters in different form like human, animal and even robot. Also, their features are design in an alternative way. I also included some floating elements for the illustration to make it more virtually. 

Next, I colour the illustration in a colorful way. The main characters are using warm and light colours to contrast with the overall cool colour background. As the characters is the main object which people love and crazy for.
Link to Article
Illustration Development
Illustration (Static)
Illustration (animated GIF)
Mobile and Tablet Layout
Print Layout and Mockup
Virtual Idols


Virtual Idols
