Rosendo Llanderal Sanabria's profile

Discurso Político / Political Discourse

Discurso Político
An electronic artefact that analyzes the influence of surveillance capitalism on the discourse of mexican politicians on Twitter. For this project, we gather information and data on ten candidates for federal deputies in the elections of June 6, 2021, from different political parties. Then it was processed through a code that determined the emotional polarity of the political message, the level of interaction of people with it and finally, the percentage of bots involved in this activity. 
Our goal is to give physicality to the systematically calmed information by various factors that prevent us from being critical of the content we consume and the way it reaches us.

Collaborators: Diana Orta, Diego Camacho and Susana González

Political Discourse was showed during "Design Week Mexico" on the exposition Inedito on the Academic Level of the show.
Discurso Político / Political Discourse

Discurso Político / Political Discourse
