Ahmed Abdelaal's profile


Frankfurt-oder, Germany
Through The City Spine
Die polnisch-deutsche Doppel Stadt Frankfurt (Oder) und Słubice.
Urban Fabric Analysis
Site Potentials S.W.O.T Analysis
Design Approach
The design approach focuses on attracting the different user groups within the city center with the addition of a new layer of functions. These functions combine to create a dynamic communal city center with an increase in the visual connection between users and different spaces.  
Design Concept
The spine, the central boulevard, connects different spaces taking users from the main street to the riverfront through the new central plaza that converted from car space to a pedestrian zone. The user experiences the distinctive character of spaces along this spine which enhances the city identity.
framework plan
implementation​​​​​​​​​​​​​​ | Design plan 
The façade of the proposed industrial school and the library is inspired by the surrounding buildings with the same texture as RATHAUS in modern architecture style.
Elevations of proposed industrial school and the new library 
Section A-A mixed-use Courtyard
Section B -B through new platform to riverfront 
Section C-C through proposed garage workshops, for the industrial school 
The proposed central plaza is considered the main spot in the city center spine connecting the main road with the riverfront. The implemented design lays on converting car space to a pedestrian plaza that provides users with a sitting area and social activities surrounded by historical elements St. Mary's Church and Rathaus .  
3D shot of the proposed central plaza
The proposed multi-function platform is raised above the parking area, this platform is used for various functions with a temporary structure to be arranged in diverse shapes according to every event.
3D shot of the proposed multi-function platform
Temporal functions of the platform

Study Model, illustrating existing structures in white, whereas gray indicates the newly introduced structures and the new spine in orange. Showing the main plaza, a new cultural attractor (library, garage workshops), an educational attractor (industrial school), a proposed residential building, a multi-function platform, and the riverfront.


