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Society's pressure on women

A series of posters that discusses the struggle women endure in the society. ِِEach poster discusses different issue.
this is a calligrpahy poster that discusses the societal pressure on women to get married. the Arabic text says" people have nothing in mind except marriage". 
This poster discusses the pressure on women concerning the society's perception of beauty standards; for example, girls must have long hair, have certain body shape, wear girly clothes, put makeup, practice feminine hobbies. the girl in the poster is a friend of mine who has curly short haircut, loves to wear comfy sportive clothes, enjoys playing football and not into makeup. she constantly face sarcasm and bullying because her beauty standards are different. the Arabic text says "boyish girl "which a phrase she often get mentioned with from people passing by.
this poster discusses the issue of sexual harassment. the Arabic text says" don't harass me the street is for you and me"
Society's pressure on women


Society's pressure on women
