"Bought this lighter in 1967. First thing I bought in the Marine Corps. -Thomas H. Weakland (Pa)"
"This is my 'punk rock' I found it camping on the last day of 6th grade with Aunt Karen & Uncle Garrett- Christina"
"This pin saved my life. I received it the day my 1st daughter was born. She changed my life. -Uncle Tom"
"Received when grandmother in law died. She was so special to me that I wore it when I married Larry. -Laura"
"This is the first buck 8pt that I shot with my Grandfather's shotgun. -Gary Verhulst"
"This cup is special because it was my grandmother's. I used to take special care of them so she gave me her collection. -Cheryl"
"This was my first stuffed animal I ever got and I will never get rid of this little guy- Corey Jacob"



In this project, I have explored the lives of the people close to me, discovering how they grew up, and which objects hold their favorite memorie Read More
