50 x 60 cms     I     Acrylic on Canvas
A woman gazes downwards, her side-profile is visible, yet her face remains hidden, creating an ambiguous identity; she appears to be the focal point of the piece as she is painted in neutral tones in comparison to the varying warm and cool, vibrant tones around her. She wears a belted gown; the folds and creases of the garment are shown through the different shades and brush strokes, creating shadows and highlights that help the viewer grasp the garment's texture, her skin is almost grey, her eyes are hidden, and her downward gaze suggests despair. In contrast, the background of the piece is abstract, vibrant, and features a mixture of dripped paint, a blended gradient in the background of the piece, and layered white strokes that create a translucent mist surrounding the lady. Her posture and lack of identity make her appear vulnerable.
 The woman lacks color as she embodies her dreary thoughts; she is displayed within her darkness, contrasting the bright colors of the background and the white mist that hovers around her. There is hope and brightness in this piece; the lady looks down and not at her surroundings, the mist shrouds her from the light, connoting that she is clouded by negative thoughts and unaware of and un-seeing the positivity around her. We are often in a bad headspace, despite the beauty of our surroundings, and get trapped in the mist, which makes us feel lost, vulnerable or confused. In reality, there is positivity when you look at these thoughts in the context of a bigger picture. Yet, it is difficult to see until we look at the bright energy of our surroundings and what is positive despite the negativity in our heads and remain optimistic.




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