The Red House - Paragon Pub Group
The Red House in Lilleshall is the latest addition to the Parogon Group’s portfolio of premium Gastro-pubs for which we had the pleasure of crafting a new brand.

The Red House pairs unparalleled service and focuses on quality within an intimate ambience delivering a truly memorable dining experience.

Our brief was simple. To create a standout brand that reflected their offering of destination dining. The name was the only thing that was set in stone, the rest was an open brief. The only requirement was that it was ‘different’.

We developed a positioning strategy and a consistent approach to how The Red House would sit alongside the other venues within the group. As this process developed we created a graphical language, colour palettes, brand typefaces and an identity.

On approval of the brand and identity, we developed the customer-facing assets across the venue. These included the main and drinks menus, table talkers, feedback cards and venue stationery.

A menu system was developed that pushed the client away from their normal approach. At the same time, we acknowledged the need to be commercially viable as these items are well-used and subject to continual damage. They needed to be easy for the staff to replace.

The solution was a bespoke saddle leather folder, branded with the new identity. Inside the sheets of the menu were tabbed allowing the diner to easily access each section. Smaller pages were strategically placed to add interest and change the pace of the menus by encouraging the diner to pause and look. This was achieved with sheet colour, size and position in relation to the main pages. Type size was also a consideration so that the menus were easy to read when lighting is dimmed during service.

The results speak for themselves, offering an interesting approach to menu design that has been positively received by diners since opening.
The Redhouse


The Redhouse
