Saju Balasuriya's profile

Me and The Boys Hawaiian Shirt

 Hawaiian Shirt - Introduction to Digital Media​​​​​​​
The purpose of this project was to create a Hawaiian shirt. Our shirts had to contain a unique and creative pattern. These Hawaiian shirts followed a standard feature commonly found such as a button and a tag with an company name created by the artist. 
Adobe Illustrator 

Creative Process

For this shirt I wanted to use a creative and unique pattern. At the time of making this shirt it was late October to the start of November. I had just enjoyed my birthday on Halloween, even in November I was still getting spooky vibes. This is where I decided on the perfect pattern for my shirt, a Halloween themed shirt. I decided on making a pumpkin themed pattern, to add some spooky moods I used  silly and creepy carving faces which I applied to each pumpkin.  
I did not want my shirt to be made with bright colors, I every much loved a black shirt as most of/if not all my outfits are of monochromatic color. Additionally I thought that a dark color would help emphasis my pumpkin pattern greatly.

Inspiration for pumpkin faces
Pumpkin-Carving-Ideas.jpg (1000×1016) (
pumpkin-carving-faces-12.jpg (1620×1080) (
4shpxc.jpg (612×408) (
Illustration produced 

To start the process, I place a picture of the Hawaiian shirt as a separate layer and turned it to a template. I then began tracing out the shirt.  
After finishing my tracing, I looked over it again to make sure there were not any odd curves or sharp points in my lines and that everything was correctly lined up. 
After I was satisfied with my finished outlined shirt I hid away the template
After reviewing my reference images for the pumpkin carvings, I developed my pattern and added extra detail into the face as well as some decorative items. 
After I was finished developing my illustration, I went into (Object>Pattern>Make) to create my pattern. During this time, I made adjustment to make sure there was enough spacing around each one. I ended up using a Brick by Row tile type for the pattern. 
When I felt comfortable with my pattern I then I applied it onto the shirt and changed the shirt color to black. When placing the pattern, I made sure to offset it as well to simulate real life. .
Using the ellipse tool, I created a circle and used a radial gradient. In the gradient menu I placed multiple points to show different shades on the button. A shaded layer was placed behind the button to give it a 3D look. In addition, I added a few thin line strokes to represent the sewing thread.
I then reduced the side of the button and placed them onto the shirt
Now for the label, I imported a type of texture and then decided on a company name. The name I came up with is Kings Patch Co. I added a few details on the logo and placed it on my label. 
I then added my label to the inside of my shirt
Final Image

This project taught and showed me a lot. I have been using Adobe Photoshop and Clip Studio Paint to make my art, Illustrator was compelling at first. I knew that these three programs shared similar tools however they each one uses them is different. For example the brush tool in Clip Studio Paint, uses a lot of traditional tools like watercolors, oil paints, ink/pens and spray paints. The texture and feeling it brings is much different than that of Illustrator. However there was  so much more that Illustrator did for me that none of the other ones could. 
It was very much exciting learning different methods of Illustrator and I am very proud of the way this project came out. I would definitely wear this shirt!
Me and The Boys Hawaiian Shirt

Me and The Boys Hawaiian Shirt
