GDC Promotional Video (2021)

Student Brief

In this brief, we are tasked with creating a promotional video that includes one of GDC’s core values or one of GDC’s visions. The GDC vision offers a view of the future. It is where they are in the context of future developments and what the institution wants to achieve. 

The GDC core values define who they are; provide guidance in times of transition and support their philosophy. Values provide the framework for how they act, communicate and collaborate.  

These values represent how they behave towards each other and what is expected of everyone, both students and faculty.  The GDC values represent their commitment to each other, to the industry and their community.

What is the challenge?

For the past few years, GDC has been a big part of our lives. The institution has helped us grow and learn as designers and we want to extend this experience to all potential design students out there. There are many highs and lows (more highs than lows) as we have discovered design processes and practices, but at the end of the day, GDC will without a doubt leave us with and abundance of information and experience to prepare us for the professional design world. 

For this project we have been tasked with creating a motion picture promotional video for GDC (Greenside Design Center Collage of Design). 

Aims and Objectives 

We aim to create a promotional video that represents one of the GDC visions and values, by interoperating them through our experience at the institution in hopes to attract potential design students to the institution. 
The want the video to communicate what the institution is and the great family dynamic that has been established in the collage. GDC is a safe space in which student can freely express themselves and work together in solving design problems to become amazing designers in the future.

Target Market 

The target market for this project is to the potential design students and their parents/sponsors.  
Here at GDC, we offer an abundance of creative thinking, critical thinking and the opportunity to express one’s self as a designer. As an internationally recognised school of design, GDC want to broaden the design family and mould many more great designers into this world. 

The promo video that we have been working on for the past 4 weeks has definitely been a challenge for all of us working on it. We believe that we have answered all the questions relating to the brief and even took it a step further by adding just a bit of comedy to it.

The reason for why we believe we had answered the brief is because we answered the core values that GDC have put in place. The core value that we decided to base our promotional video off of is “We strive to improve our knowledge and skills through life-long learning, experimental exploration, and curiosity.” The way in which we had decided to use this core value is by showcasing to the viewer that you cant succeed without failure. The reason for why we chose failure to success is because we wanted to show how GDC prioritizes the growth of their students through constant consultations, suggestions, group discussions and so much more.

When watching our promotional video you will see that our video has a lot of comedy and you will see that the main actor keeps messing up while presenting a speech this relates back to our core value and tag line that failure is part of success and this is shown throughout our video. We chose a person presenting a presentation as we believe that it would relate best to students as we know students don’t like presenting, this also brings our comedy aspect to the video because students will relate more to the video and attract more people to watch our video.

We used quite a few principles of design to make sure that our final video was the best it could possibly be. We used lighting as well as using the black and white filter in order to get the cinematic look for when our main actor is talking and then cut to colour when he messes up or something distracts him, we turned up the contrast and played around with the colour of the actual video in order to get the most detail out of the video. For the cut shots we played around with the different sounds and even cut out our video to get that comedy aspects into the video to show case that our main actor had messed up. All in all, I believe that we answered this brief as best we can and have presented GDC with an awesome promotional video that they can be proud to watch and even have a few giggles.​​​​​​​
GDC Promotional Video (2021)