CT6014 - COMX

This assignment, I was instructed to make a website for the yearly COMX exhibition. I've started off by sketching my plan which is shown above, this represents what I'd like my website to look like and it helps me visualize whereabouts the placement of each elements will be. This my rough draft of the branding guideline.

I was determined to follow through a color scheme that I've picked through out this project.
Above is the choice of colors that I've decided on.

" What does the colour blue mean to you? Intelligence, trust, communication and efficiency? These are the most popular connotations connected with the colour and could be the reason why the technology industry has adopted it as their brand colour of choice. " (Marketing, 2022)

Based from my researched, multiple companies that dominate technology and electronics uses the colour blue as their logo and primary colour, thus this will be the first primary colour used in the site.
As blue would be the primary colour of the website I've went and background for upcoming posts in order to still maintain a subtle hint of blue within the website. Below is the many examples of what will be the main background used.
The reason why I've picked a yellow to the colour scheme above is that the blue a compliments the yellow very well. " Yellow is one of the brightest colours. It is energising and evokes feelings of happiness, hope and cheerfulness." (What Impact Does Colour Have on your Website? - Tela Digital Agency, 2022)
On the next step, I did multiple plannings on how the icon would be showcased as that is the major point that distinguishes the brand from any other company. 
The image above showcases the several iterations that's been made. And the image below is the final iteration before moving on to the next stage which is 3D Modelling. I have incorporated the arrow symbol which resembles the brand slogan, "Moving with the Future."
I chosen this method for presenting the logo due to COMX being a Creative Computing course and with that I've created several of the same logo using the Blender software, while still maintaining the original concept of the logo. The reason why I've picked green as the primary colour for this logo is, " It is one of the easiest colours for the eye to process. " (What Impact Does Colour Have on your Website? - Tela Digital Agency, 2022) Audiences from different places are able to register the colour quicker and remember the website. 
There are multiple iterations that has been made and is shown below, on the first stages of developing the website I had trouble on confining to just one theme but as I've worked on the website several times I've managed to adjust it to the original colour scheme which is shown at the very end of the iteration.
There are several issues that I had to face when designing the header, one of them is the logo. I've was aware that there are sites that uses big logos and I wanted to replicate that, but what I did not consider was the contents and the placement of the logos. Most of the sites, and example, Electrolux.com has their logo in the middle of the screen much like my first iteration. As I progress and asked for peer feedback I've noticed the faults and have decided to redesign the final look to how it is no.
I've also managed to make the header shrink using CSS.
Login Form
Student Page
Another issue I faced was the Student Page, there was alot going on within the first iteration and it did not look as aesthetically pleasing as the other iterations. My initial idea was to replicate a game console button, the icon as the "joystick" and the right side of the screen filled with the "x, y, a, b" icon.
Within the past few weeks I've been working on forms made for students to populate the website using ACF Frontend Plugin. I've retested and created about 3 profiles to make sure  that the form has no faults. Since there are no options to style the form aside from using CSS, I have managed to redesign how it looks using CSS
And within the Main Menu I've inserted a functioning countdown timer.

Marketing, M., 2022. Why Does the Colour Blue Dominate Technology? - Motion Blog. [online] Motion Marketing. Available at: <https://www.motion-marketing.com/blog/creative/technology-branding/> [Accessed 11 January 2022].

Tela. 2022. What Impact Does Colour Have on your Website? - Tela Digital Agency. [online] Available at: <https://tela.uk/2021/11/what-impact-does-colour-have-on-your-website/> [Accessed 11 January 2022].
CT6014- COMX

CT6014- COMX


Creative Fields