The design challenge of this project is to create a unique package design for a new brand of alternative milk. The target audience of this brand is ages 1- 10, targeting toddlers and younger children. But as children are the intended audience so are their parents.

Competitors will be other bigger brands of alternative milks like Silk, Oatly, and Almond Breeze.

The differentiation with this brand is that it is toddler safe with fortified vitamins and calcium carbonates. It contains the right amount of proteins and nutrients needed for growing kids.
The word “Poy” is the supporting stick used with tightrope walkers to help them keep balance. This word connects with the milk in that it supports children's growth and is a part of a balanced diet. It also sounds like “soy,” which is the type of plant based milk that it is.

The design solution was to make the packaging fun, depicting animals on the tightrope and a circus tent.

The flavors chosen are the usual flavors children tend to be attracted to.
This brand would also have individual sized milks so kids may take them to school. On the back of the individual bottles there is a joke or fact where the answer can be found on the inside of the lid.
Poy Soy Milk


Poy Soy Milk
