Next Gen Furniture - IKEA Campaign

Case Study Video

The Problem:
The covid-19 pandemic has paved the way to many new social issues, and one of
the most prevalent ones that are affecting teenagers is the rise of gaming addiction.
Solace Asia – an organization that provides addiction recovery treatment.

Technology made communication easier by providing platforms like video games for us to
connect with people from far away, but at the same time, we have never felt so disconnected
to the people around us because we are so absorbed into the virtual world. 

To come up with a series of furniture to push the problem
even further if people do not do anything about gaming addiction.
The furniture are released in IKEA AR app and social media
to help people visualize what they will look like in their own home.
Social Media Posts
Campaign Website
We hope to turn anger into concern 
for people suffering from gaming addiction.
Presentation Board
Next Gen Furniture - IKEA Campaign