To fulfill the everyone's desires to be an at home DJ, MIXI is a small personalized music board capable of sending up to 22 different MIDI signals to any music software. This was a project with a lot of creativity from the physical shape of the PCB, component locations, and overall housing, to the music that was played from the MIXI board itself. MIXI consists of a user designed PCB, handmade wooden housing, and an Arduino Teensy 4.0.
The PCB 
The PCB was designed to with the location of the components in mind. I knew the majority of my controls would be the 8 conductive button pads that would go over the lights. These buttons would eventually control the different musical notes I would send through the MIDI software, so I decided to put these on the right side because I am right handed. This left the 4 potentiometers (3 rotary and one linear) on the left side for me to control things like the volume, bass level, and a couple of instruments I wanted to fade in and out quickly. 
The Enclosure
The enclosure was modeled in Fusion 360 to fit the orientation of the components. The small shelf difference in height from the top was designed to better fit the difference in heights between the potentiometers and the buttons. After it was modeled up, a foam core model was cut to ensure the fitment of the PCB into the enclosure. Finally, once I knew I had a secure fit, I laser cut the final enclosure, stained all of the pieces, and put it altogether. 
The Final Touch Ups
After many hours coding some robust software, and developing a music ensemble from the website "AudioTool." I was dubbed "CDplaya" and made my first (maybe not my last) performance as a DJ. (Sorry the audio does not come in until around the 1 minute mark, we blew the microphone out). 

