Abhinav Bansal's profile

Layouts & Compositions

Typography Posters: Posters using only 'Text' as Graphic.

In this, we were asked to make a poster about ourselves, using only 'Text' as the graphical element. I tried to recreate the concept of Figure & Ground in this.

Font Used: Poppins
Typography Poster: Poster using Text as Graphical Element

This task involved creating an A2 sized poster for 'Interaction Design'. Apart from the logo of the institution, only Text was to be used to create a composition. The poster should contain the information of the faculty members, students and a brief  of the curriculum.

Font Used: Raleway
Self-Branding Website:

A 12-column system was adopted to form the basic composition grid in the website. It was further divided into 3 column and 4 column grids to incorporate the information seamlessly.

Main Headings: Playfair Display
Sub-Heading: Merriweather
Descriptions: Open Sans
This is the Single-Screen Display version of the same layout. 
Typographic Compositions

In this task, we were asked to accentuate the characteristics of a particular typeface. I chose 'Broadway'. The following are some of the interesting Typeface compositions I came up with.
Layouts & Compositions

Layouts & Compositions
