Karl Bembridge's profile

Women vs. Men | Typographical Poster

Women vs. Men | Typographical Poster
This project that began in early September was based around the idea of designing a typographical poster that would help demonstrate a specific difference between women and men, by the way of a visual style that combines minimalism and simplicity together.

As you will see, the final outcome consists of twelve Mac OS folders that have been divided into two parts to help identify both genders through respective colours and folder names, alongside the inclusion of a grain texture to push away from a look that would appear too flat and too polished for my own personal liking.

So, be sure to tell me what you think in the comment section below!

This is a non-commercial project.

*Some imagery has been subject to alteration and editing*

Imagery - Pixabay
Display Mockup - CreativeSource
Final Outcome
Women vs. Men | Typographical Poster

Women vs. Men | Typographical Poster

Click on my page to see more work.
