
Fingerprints are formed as a result of random flow of amniotic fluids around the fetus.
Since the movements are random, it is highly unlikely for any two individual to have the same fingerprints. Keep your inner hand beside your screen before you continue reading.

If each line you see in your inner hand represents a path you can take in your life, aren't there endless options to it?  Some are thick, and visible, few of the many are little less thicker than the former, some are twisted, others keep searching for the end,  lost in the middle, there are whorls, arches, loops, double loops, accident whorls, radial loops, ulnar loops, and the list goes on. But which one's the right path? Which is the path you want to take? 

Let's say, if you think of it as an endless desert, you can always keep walking until you find your destination. It's going to be a long  journey for sure, so pack the essentials. Drink water, stay healthy. As long as you can move, you can always reach the place you're searching for. 

If you think the path involves a certain risk, go for it. Just make sure to anchor a rope beforehand, so that you don't lose your way back. Take your  time, patience is the key. Each step is important. These protocols goes without saying. 

If you think "screw 'em paths" , and go the daredevil way, remember, safety first. Wear helmets, boots, bindings, knee caps and all of that stuff which will protect you before you take a leap of faith. You might not know, it may take you to a new place that you couldn't see within the paths. After all if you look away from your inner hand, there's a world right?


