Petru Romedea's profile

Storm in the Mountains

Storm in the Mountains

There are a lot of reasons to be afraid of nature. It cannot be stopped by any human being, so when nature decides to strike, people should run away. Even though nature has the power to destroy everything the human race has built, it also has the power to draw anyone's attention. Nature is the most beautiful thing in the world. Colors, shapes, different sizes, it is majestic.

When you are surrounded by dark clouds and powerful wind, your first instinct is to run away as fast as you can to protect yourself. Sometimes, to get that wonderful shot you are hoping for, you need to risk your gear or maybe yourself. When you are up in the mountains and a storm hits, you need to be careful. But this risk is always well paid because during a storm you can capture one of the most amazing photos that can show both the unstoppable power of Nature, but also its beauty.

Photos were captured on a Fujifilm X-T3.
Storm in the Mountains


Storm in the Mountains
