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Eagle Vs. Falcon

Eagle Vs. Falcon – What Are The Main Differences Between The Both
The eagle vs. falcon, both are the birds of prey. The eagles are large birds and known because of their size. Falcons are not so big. They have sharp wings with great wingspan. They are unique with concave beaks. There are some similarities and differences as well between these birds.

Before comparing eagle vs. falcon, have some overview of individual birds. Each has specific features that make them unique. There are mentioned some general characteristics as well

There must be huge aspects where we can do compare the eagle vs. falcons. But before this, we have mentioned some special features and characteristic behaviour of eagles.
1. Eagle Vs. Falcon – General Characteristics:

Eagles are the great birds of prey known as mighty raptors. They are very strong and powerful. The head and bill of an eagle are heavy enough. They are the largest among all birds of prey. But they are smaller than vultures.

The shape of beak is not straight but hooked one. Because of lying in the category of preying birds, they have a very sharp beak. The average weight of these eagles is 18 pounds. Interestingly they can attack large animals with full strength.
Eagle Vs. Falcon

Eagle Vs. Falcon
