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A Summer Beneath The Trees, Pt. IV

A Summer Beneath The Trees, Pt. IV
[A Quick Portrait of a Tree Avenue]
A Restless Soul Under The Weight Of Its Own (Misty Morning)
Am Abend lese ich, Rilke zurzeit, unten am Fluss, unweit des Parks. Die Menschen lasse ich rasch hinter mir, suche mir viel lieber ein etwas ruhigeres Plätzchen. Ein wenig hat sich das gewandelt mit den Jahren. Manche der Orte, an denen ich früher noch so viel Zeit verbracht habe, kann und mag ich heute nicht mehr aufsuchen. Sie fühlen sich nicht länger richtig an. Zu lange schon war ich dort einsam gewesen. So einsam, dass ich es auch heute noch zu spüren glaube und es den Orten, oder wenigstens mir, noch immer anzuhaften scheint.

I’m familiar with this little place for years now, and during the years I tried to photograph it sometimes. Although, now looking back, I don’t like my older impressions of it all too much. Recently, I’ve read an article in the local newspaper telling that this place is under the influence of increasing popularity. I suppose it is likely due to the geotagging and Instagram crowd. I was concerned, and decided to visit it again to find out how it is in reality. Due to the different weather this summer, it actually had mist, which was the best way to go there. I left my accommodation about 4:30 am., took a few images on the river with beautiful city lights, and then sat down under these trees to wait for dawn. Good news is, this time of the day there’s still a good chance to encounter nobody. But if, it’s likely someone just walking with their dog, or going for a run. I don’t mind these people. In fact, I always felt sympathy for those going out in dawn all on their own.

Anyway, the netting wire wrapped around the trunks you might see, is due to beavers being around. It has been added around 2018, and first I thought it looks awful but I guess it could be worse, and this place is somewhat still nice. The imagination of some beaver starting to nibble down one of these big trees always made me smile. I mean, what is this beaver thinking? Imagine it would actually chop one of these trees down … how should a beaver ever build a dam with it, right? But these beaver really are no joke, I almost ran into one of them this very morning. They’re actually bigger than expected.


A Summer Beneath The Trees
Pt. I | Pt. II | Pt. III | Pt. IV | Pt. V
A Summer Beneath The Trees, Pt. IV

A Summer Beneath The Trees, Pt. IV
