Vasiliki Velentza's profile

Movie poster / Welcome to the dollhouse.

Welcome to the dollhouse
BA movie poster project for graphic application class for Vakalo college.

Movie : Welcome to the dollhouse.
Director: Todd Solondz
Genre: dark comedy
Year: 1995
fear, anger, apathy
The film to create this poster was Todd Solondz's Welcome to the dollhouse. My goal was to convey in the best possible way the theme of the film and what it wants to convey to the viewer. So with proper research analysis of the character of the protagonist I decided to focus on the main emotion of the protagonist which was the anger and apathy and the main action of the film which describes the daily life of a different girl of thirteen years. She is insecure and scared and because of her appearance, those around her bully her. So I created a dollhouse different from the usual, a dollhouse which is made of a doll that is not perfect, to give and the element of the girl's anger that carries all her emotional charge in dismantling dolls. The head has been replaced by the title creating an invisible head. The background and colors I have chosen have a childish feel.
Movie poster / Welcome to the dollhouse.


Movie poster / Welcome to the dollhouse.
