Karmen Man's profile

Digital Design & Social Media at Alibi Content

Digital Design & Social Media at Alibi Content 

Disclaimer: Thumbnail is Alibi Content's logo, I did not create it and do not own its rights.

The nature of this work is somewhat confidential, however, I am able to provide detailed descriptions of the work I have done.

As one of the only designers at Alibi Content I worked on a large variety of projects. These mainly included designing pitch decks and one sheets. On top of designing I also created assets for social media, including but not limited to photo and video posts, stories, blog posts, templates, and written copy. 

Pitch Decks
I created a number of pitch decks, some of which focused on both a particular talent to host the series and the series content itself, and also some which centered around only the content of the series. For most of the decks I was provided with the copy and content and then went on to create the visual deck that maintained Alibi's brand guidelines and assets, in addition to an overall aesthetic of the series. When designing other decks I had to change some of the copy during the creation process. With some I altered existing decks for a new pitch with a different talent or company name, this included altering both copy and current imagery. 

Talent One Sheets
I was given a list of ten various clients that Alibi had worked with in the past and had to create a talent one sheet for each of them. I had to research each talent and write a mini biographical paragraph which included information about their previous work. I designed the talent sheets in a cohesive way that also maintained brand guidelines and standards. The talent sheets consisted of the a header at the top of the page with a photo overlay, the talent's name, and a few key words that highlighted the talent's main areas of expertise, a written biography, a full length photo of the talent, show and network logos with the number of seasons and episodes, two photo stills taken from their previous work, company (Alibi's) logos and company contact details.

Social Media
I had to create assets for social media platforms including, Instagram, Linkedin, and Alibi Content and Alibi Entertainment's website. I primarily created assets for Instagram, which included photo comparison posts and story posts where other accounts would interact with posts and vote for their favourite. Likewise I created three segment posts that would line up on Instagram to show a bigger photo, each post would have one third of a photo, part of an Alibi logo, and a quote from the show. I also edited some video segments from one of Alibi's shows into one minute clips for Instagram posts. I was limited to the assets I was given as they were taken from previous seasons of shows and could not be re-shot. For the website I had to create blog posts that would be shared on other platforms, these included written copy, sourced photos, and designing headers for each post. 

I used a variety of software for my work including but not limited to:
Adobe InDesign
Adobe Photoshop
Adobe Illustrator
Adobe Premiere
Google Suite - Sheets, Drive, Docs, etc.

Digital Design & Social Media at Alibi Content


Digital Design & Social Media at Alibi Content


Creative Fields