Global social media statistics research summary [updated 2021]

Despite negative attitudes toward social platforms, the popularity is unquestionable. Social media is continuing to change with the updated trend. Without social marketing, it is not possible to establish a brand on social media. Here is the evidence; take a look at these social media advertising statistics in 2021 that you need to know:

1. Millennials Make Up the Greatest Share of Facebook Users
2. Facebook’s Advertising Revenue Grows 22% Year-over-Year
3. Local Business Searches Grew by 23% in 2020
4. Instagram Boasts 500 Million Daily Users, 1 Billion Monthly
5. 130 Million Click on a Shopping Post Monthly
6. Instagram Confirms There Are 500 Million Daily Active Instagram Stories Users
7. Twitter Saw a Healthy Boom in Ad Engagement and Revenue Last Year
8. 91% of Twitter Users Are Okay with Brands Getting Involved, with a Catch
9. Over 500 Million Tweets Go Live Every Day

Being an industry expert, create good content that benefits your audience because people remember when a trusted brand provides them free, valuable content and will be more likely to subscribe and share your content with other potential buyers. Thus generating brand awareness and leading to aggressive organic traffic.
Social Media Stats

Social Media Stats
