Fires, pipelines, oil spills, genocide, strategic erasure of indigenous people and their culture, armoured police evicting unhoused people from the park, ethnic cleansing, missing children, poverty, monocultures, GMOs, toxic runoff, factory farms, chronic illness, plastic oceans, mental health, lack of autonomy, reproductive rights, queer rights, trillions spent on wars, exploitation on every level, in every system, of everything and everyone. 
Seeing all of this doom and injustice on our newsfeed- being hammered into us by the media, is NOT HEALTHY! We are not meant to take in such vast amounts of (upsetting) information. It is traumatizing, disempowering and (in my opinion) the reason for our apathy. We are the 99%, living in the wake of choices made by few. Our governments won’t save us, oil companies won’t save us, doom-scrolling and social media posts won’t save us. Only WE can save us. Turn off the news, stop getting sucked into the media fear-machine and look at what YOU can actively do IN THIS MOMENT to educate yourself in a healthy way, to provide outreach to your community and to participate in change. Set your boundaries and set an intention. Send out your loving energy to the universe, donate to a community fridge, join a march, start a fundraiser, help a neighbour. We can change our world when we remember that are stronger together and that change starts on a micro-level, with ourselves and with our communities. Protect your precious energy friends ✨💚
We are the 99%


We are the 99%
