Imprint Collective's profile

The Right Brain Left Brain

The Right Brain Left Brain is an exclusive product from K.I.S.S - Keep it sweet & simple - a product design company focusing on notebooks, sketchbooks and other printed products.

This particular design took inspirations from the left and right hemispheres of our brain. The right brain of the brain focuses on visual and processes information in an intuitive and simultaneous way. The focus of the left brain is verbal, processing information in an analytical and sequential way. Covers with careers, objects, inspiration, majors, etc. were illustrated to demonstrate the concept of each side.

The product contains two sections: half of the pages are lined papers for 'left brain' and the rest are blank papers for 'right brain'. One half is for 'left brain' - writing, journal, taking notes. Flip it over for 'right brain' - doodle, sketching, drawing, etc.

Tram, our talent develops the illustrations and supervise the print production for this project. 
Scope of Work: 
- Illustration
- Print Production
Talent: Tram
The Right Brain Left Brain

The Right Brain Left Brain
