Fábio Carrasqueiras's profilePedro Carvalho's profile

Formula IPLeiria 2013

The team Formula IPLeiria in partnership with Centre for Rapid and Sustainable Product Development  of Polytechnic Institute of Leiria, participating for the second time at the Society of Automotive Engineers (SAE) Formula Student European Championship.
the team of FIPL02 prototype, is composed of students of engineering and design work together to optimize the sustainability of this rancing Vehicle.
Diogo Carvalho sketches
Fábio Carrasqueiras Sketches
António Ivens sketches
The Formula Student (FS) is an academic competition about race cars prototypes. This competition was initiated in 1981 by the Society of Automotive Engineers (SAE). the purpose is  inspire and develop the innovative and entrepreneurial spirit within young engineers and designers.
Several universities around the world are challenged to design and build a single seater racing car to compete in static and dynamic events, where each team demonstrates your knowledge and tests the performance of the vehicle.
After admission to the competition in Silvestone the team FIPLeiria became the only portuguese team to compete in the England in 2013.
A. Chassis
 Pedro Carreira
 David Oliveira
 Tiago Marques
 Miguel Reis Silva
 Gustavo Dinis
 Diogo Bastos

B. Carroçaria
 Lina Durão
 Paulo Campos
 Pedro Carvalho
 António Ferreira
 Ricardo Paulino
 Fábio Carrasqueiras
 Rui Caetano
 António Ivens
 Diogo Carvalho

C. Suspensão e Direcção
 Igor dos Reis
 João Sousa

D. Sistema de propulsão
 Igor dos Reis
 João Sousa
 Pedro Carreira

E. Sistemas eléctricos e electrónicos
 Igor dos Reis

F. Marketing
 Carina Ramos
 Lina Durão

G. Gestão
 Carina Ramos
 Elodie Pinto
 Inês Sousa
Formula IPLeiria 2013

Formula IPLeiria 2013

Formula Ipleiria FIPL02 prototype racing car
