Cherry yenyi's profile

Title: “Buck Tooth Girl”

Title: “Buck Tooth Girl”
Self-Portrait- Mix Media
Art Movements; Surrealism and Expressionism
This self-portrait reflects back my buck tooth life. Since primary school, I've been facing a very serious buck tooth problem. It made me look so ugly. I always joke by my friends and others, it makes me feel self-abased. So I never have chance to exposed natural wide
smile and no confidence to take photos. In the portrait you can see the extremely big tooth represents my buck tooth. Actually I blended my face with the rabbit's identity because generally everyone recognizes the rabbits have two buckled teeth. The tears on my face show I’m sad and have low self-esteem at that time. The background waving line is to express all the negative sounds that come to me.

Medium: acrylic, artline pen, water colour, tissue, magazine and news paper
Title: “Buck Tooth Girl”

Title: “Buck Tooth Girl”


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