Viral Breach
Viral breach is a computer RPG game that has to do with fighting viruses. The idea was triggered by Covid-19 due to its impact on our lives during the pandemic in 2020. tHIS IS MY fINAL YEAR PROJECT.
Prototype of viral breach was completed at the end of 2020
Night Creatures are stormed by a virus and put at the edge of survival. Story starts with a doctor wizard who went to the mountains to meditate and came back to find his village infected. Doctor later goes around asking questions and searching for herbs to create a cure. He later on finds two herbs that unlocks his ability to shrink into the immune system in order to fight viruses in an attempt to cure those infected.
Night creature is the character design I came up with for the game and the character represents an Alien bug with a poly count of 15,208.
Here are the 2 environment maps I created for the game. The first one represents the village where the creatures live. I chose a mushroom themed village as their homes and the second map on the right is the immune system of the night creature where the player attempts to cure the infected. 
Inspiration came from the corona virus. I created the mother virus for the big boss level and the baby virus as the children that spawns from the mother virus that are scattered across the map.
In my environment I ended up deciding on three mushroom houses to help them stand out from one another. The first and 3rd images are small houses and the middle one represents a story building. In my game I had to be very precise using low poly models to prevent the game from being heavy.
These are the kind of collectables I created for the player to interact with. Each collectable has a different benefit for the players survival.
I created an inventory for the player where collectables can be stored to complete each quest. Moreover, I gave the player the ability to acquire a power up to increase the damage done to the viruses as well as increasing the life percentage for the players survival.
I used these specific mouse cursor as my navigation system for my game where each cursor has a separate functions. The first one represents can not walk here, second one means can be added to inventory and the third and forth is the clickable area and when clicked.
Viral breach


Viral breach
