Lettering for the best dance group in Portugal - New Dance Project

New Dance Project emerged formally in 2008 but results of a journey started much earlier by Pedro Araújo Carvalho and Joana Carvalho. Project leaders with a great training in dance at national and international level. Currently they guide and teach the two classes of children and young people between 6 and 16 years, also with the same name - New Dance Project Kids & New Dance Project Teens. 
Compose by 5 head elements, they count with enumerous participations in dance events, national and international championchips, performances, and self initiated projects like videos, and free group exibihitions. In 2012 they stayed in second place at Free Dance Style from Promofitness. New Dance Project want to mark its place in the world of dance by the core values ​​of humility, fun, dedication and love for hip hop culture.


Base sketchs will be added later

To this lettering the first letter of the three woords needed to be powerfull by herself but at the same time, together should have some balance, that result with the harmony of the text. The three letters will be used to update alerts of the dance group. 

Hope You enjoy,
2008 to 2013 


New Dance Project

New Dance Project

New Dance Project Lettering_2008 to 2013
