Zindhi is a gift space offering a curated selection of vintage and retro clothing, home wares, baby goods and gift boxes. The business model was created with sustainability and ethics in mind and all items are curated or handmade with the intent of having a low impact on the environment but a maximum impact on the soul. 

Products are exclusively made of vintage, handmade and pre loved items and impact on the environment has been minimised by sourcing artisan pieces made using only recycled or re-purposed items due for landfill. Zindhi firmly believes that the best gifts are ones the ones handpicked and from the heart, the ones personally handcrafted, and the ones that don’t hurt our planet. 

A dynamic brand identity was crafted for Zindhi featuring a 70’s inspired typeface as a nod to the nostalgic quality of their unique product offering. An earthy palette of tonal hues was introduced to provide visual links to the sustainable brand ethos. All packaging was designed to be zero-waste and is fully sustainable and biodegradable, right down to the inks (vegetable based) and toners used in the printing process.
Zindhi Gifting

Zindhi Gifting
