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F550 DJI HexaCopter Drone

F550 DJI HexaCopter Drone 
Reconstruction of Top and Bottom Plates
This DJI Drone Module have been redesigned using Autodesk Inventor and reconstructed using the 3D Printer to meet the specific requirements of flying. The original internal components have been replaced with other components (altered components) to gain high efficiency. Since the dimensions have changed, the over all design have been adjusted based on the applied design concepts. ​​​​​​​

The selected components have been 3D printed using Simplify3D software and base material used for printing is PLA (Polylactic Acid). 

Software - Autodesk Inventor, Solidworks
Hardware - Tmotors Air Gear 450
3D Printing Software - Kisslicer
Material - PLA​​​​​​​​​​​​​​
Below is the new adjusted model
F550 DJI HexaCopter Drone