Sadie Hunter's profile

WWAC- Macro Shot, Test Shoot

Macro Shot - Test Shoot

I did a test shoot for the macro shot from home to come across any issues before the real shoot. I was mainly focused on the making of the sandwich and the composition as the real shoot will be in the studio so any of the lighting issues will be different. 

What worked: 

- I feel that I did well considering I did it from home and it was a test
- Put sandwich together quite well
- Natural lighting worked well for the test shoot (bright lighting)
- Meat and vegetables were highlighted by the sunlight 
- Composition worked well as I was able to get it completely flat
- Glycerine made the ingredients look fresh and appealing
- Didn't have issues with camera settings as the sunlight worked well

What didn't work:

- The sandwich kept falling apart
- Sometimes the natural lighting was too harsh
- The sandwich and the meat was hard to light as the sandwich was normal and the meat was too dark and if you changed it the sandwich would be over exposed and the meat would be normally lit
- The glycerine kept drying up
- Had to lay the sandwich down flat to keep it from falling
- Bread kept falling apart as the baguette was too hard
- Had to do test shoot in my house so there wasn't much room and the lighting was uneven
- Harsh shadows from natural lighting
- Couldn't use a cambo stand
- Some of the cardboard was showing

What to do next time: 

- Most of the issues will be solved by the used of studio equipment and lighting
- I need to work out a way to hide the cardboard
- As the sandwich kept falling apart I need to think of a way to make is stay still as I will be transporting it to the studio. I might use superglue. 
- Some of the issues can be resolved by retouching 

Raw Shots:
Retouched Shots:
Grey Cards:​​​​​​​
WWAC- Macro Shot, Test Shoot

WWAC- Macro Shot, Test Shoot


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