Being part of a team working on (one of) the biggest Telco operators in Belgium, you tend to get a lot of sneak previews at new devices. Below a grasp out of all the posts I created for the launch / pre-order offers of devices starting June 2019 - until now.

The challenge every time?
Finding the right balance between enough of your clients brand that will help people understand it's them communicating, yet adding enough of the partnering brands essence to excite people.

To promote the launch of the new Fairphone 3, 3 ads were created. Each of them focused on one of the 3 USPs of the brand "using Fairtrade gold, Fair working conditions and using recycled plastics.

Series of ads created for the prelaunch and launch phase of the iPhone SE 2020.

Add for the launch of selling the OnePlus Nord at Proximus shops and online.
Social ads

Social ads
