fajar rizky's profile

cepot line sticker

it all started as a personal project, but then why not go full circle and draw all of them?

Cepot or Astrajingga is one of the Wayang Golek characters in Sundanese puppetry. Cepot is a panakawan character of wayang golek alongside Dawala and Garéng, which do not exist in the original Mahabharata or Ramayana. Cepot is one of Semar's sons.Cepot is a rural character from the fictional village Tumaritis, where he lived with his father Semar and two of his brothers, Petruk and Dawala. Cepot is humorous and easy going, everything Cepot says tends to be funny, and Cepot's act has many slapstick jokes, mostly done together with its antagonist wayang golek character. 
some straight from scanner sketches
if you like it, you can download them as line stickers

cepot line sticker


cepot line sticker
