Bisila Bokoko African Literacy Project, Ghana

Bisila Bokoko is an entrepreneur with big dreams and an impressive resume. Born in Ghana, raised in Spain and based in New York, she works as a consultant, spokesperson, mentor and strategist; but her real passion project is BBALP, an international non-profit that builds well-equipped, sustainable libraries in Africa to promote literacy and spread the gifts of ideas and knowledge.

We found all the inspiration we needed to design a brand identity for BBALP in Bokoko herself. The logo is derived from the Bs and Os in her name in a vibrant palette that is a nod to her colorful charisma and personal style. The subtle evocation of a victory sign is a tribute to her infectious hope and sense of purpose.

Naming | Verbal Identity | Branding | Identity Systems | Posters | Collateral | Web
Bisila Bokoko African Literacy Project, Ghana

Bisila Bokoko African Literacy Project, Ghana

