Yuan Chen's profile

NTER - Empowering young entrepreneurs

NTER is a tool that empowers current university students and alumni to realize their potential and become young entrepreneurs, by connecting them with mentors and investors.
Homepage: Infinite, horizontal scrolling
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Search: Find specific projects with search
Campaign: The campaign page shows the initial intentions of a project. It features the campaign's vision, evidence of the problem, what type of mentorship and expertise is wanted, a timeline of the campaign, and a biography of the creator
Tabs: Seamless navigation through the use of tabs
Share: The best projects deserve some love, share them with your friends
Login: Make your own account to start following projects. Use LinkedIn or your own e-mail
Profile: Your profile features all the projects you are following
NTER - Empowering young entrepreneurs

NTER - Empowering young entrepreneurs

NTER is a tool that empowers current university students and alumni to realize their potential and become young entrepreneurs, by connecting them Read More
