“I think we’ve got something, sir. The report is only a fragment from a probe droid in the Hoth system, but it’s the best lead we’ve had.”

— Captain Firmus Piett, to Admiral Kendal Ozzel

March 5th 1979, Lucasfilm lighted the fuse on what would turn out to be not only a moviemaking masterpiece, but also — a very demanding shoot. THE EMPIRE STRIKES BACK, most peoples favourite Star Wars film, chose the icy plains of Finse and the Hardangerjøkulen Glacier in Norway as location needed to portray the frosty outback of the planet HOTH. They encountered the worst snowstorm in over 100 years — together with a crew consisting of norwegian filmworkers. It made history. To put it mildly. 

“We were all cold and working hard. To look at a script, hold a pencil, and look through a lens were feats in themselves in that snow, battered by a blizzard, wearing so much clothing. Anyone who starts to complain sets off a chain reaction. My attitude is that humor is the best way to relax tensions. I had icicles in my beard, so I made jokes about it.”

— Irvin Kershner

In 1979, the entire Star Wars crew stayed at Finse 1222, including Harrison Ford, Carrie Fisher, and local film extras. “The Empire Strikes Back” was partially filmed outside the hotel and on the glacier, and it was a huge production. Finse represents the snow planet HOTH for thousands of Star Wars fans.

The Finse 1222 Hotel

The VISIT HOTH festival

VISIT HOTH is a gathering for all Star Wars fans that takes place at Finse 1222 (Norway), the hotel that hosted the production of The Empire Strikes Back, the second film in the Star Wars saga.

For the official Visit Hoth event page, please visit www.visithoth.com

Han Solo Rock

In memory of Alan Tomkins. 1939 - 2020

Alan Tomkins
Art Director, Star Wars: Episode V — The Empire Strikes Back.

Alan spend a lot of time at Finse (Hoth) under the preparation and filming, creating everything from the Snowspeeder to the AT-AT Walker.

The Empire Strikes Back started production the 5th of March, 1979.

Mr Alan Tomkins was nominated for an Oscar for his work on The Empire Strikes Back (Best Art Direction, 1980). He has worked on more than 100 movies, including a huge number of stand-out films such as 2001: A Space Oddysey, A Bridge Too Far, Cleopatra, JFK, Lawrence of Arabia, Summer Holiday, Dr No, Trail of the Pink Panther, Batman Begins, Natural Born Killers, Saving Private Ryan, Casino Royale

Alan tells stories from his time at Finse back in 1979 - Photo from 19th February 2018

All photos by Teodor Bjerrang

Planet HOTH

Planet HOTH


Creative Fields