OH!MO Korean Soju Label Design

Oh!mo韓國燒酒 酒標設計
Label Design of Oh!mo Korean Soju
Oh!mo韓國燒酒源自於韓文「어머」 的羅馬拼音,用來表示驚呼、驚訝,呼應瓶身上主角驚嘆的表情,帶給消費者為之一驚的視覺感受。共推出六款包裝,分別為三種常態款、三種限定款。因應各種不同的口味,在包裝做出變化,可愛的風格打造輕爽的燒酒時光。

Oh!mo Korean Soju is derived from the Roman pinyin of the Korean"어머". It is used to expressing exclamation and surprising, echoing the amazed expressions of the protagonist on the bottle, giving consumers a shocking visual experience. A total of six types of packaging are designed, including three normal styles and three limited styles. In response to a variety of different tastes, the packaging is changed, and the cute style created by a relaxing soju time.
OH!MO Korean Soju Label Design

OH!MO Korean Soju Label Design
