Emily Bebely's profile

Welcome to my world "Stack up city"

Welcome to my world 
"Stack up city"
Create a new environment and build your own stacked city in 3D. Learning the basics in Blender. Combine 2D & 3D-art and make a paintover in Adobe Photoshop.
Short story stack up city
In 1865 this was a nice village where not many people lived. In this village the sun always shined, there were many trees and lived a lot of wild animals. Because of the industrial revolution, small-scale workshops around the village became large factories and together they formed a large-scale industry. Everyday life changed dramatically where the industrial revolution came. With the arrival of factories, people disappeared from the villages. Many residents went after work towards the factories, which caused urbanization to increase sharply. As a result, few people lived in this small village. The village changed enormously because of this, there were a lot less people and much less work. There was a shortage of food and the residents could no longer live normally if they could at first. The village saw the success of the other villages that have now grown into large cities and did not want to lag behind so they also started using new machines. But before they could start with that, they needed more space. They started cutting down the trees that were there. One by one, all trees were cut down. They also killed all the wild animals that lived here. The small cozy village turned into a dirty unhealthy place. To create even more space, they started to build up in height so that more people could live and work there. Emissions from other cities made the air so unhealthy  that people became seriously ill. The air felt heavy and breathing felt strange yet they continued to expand the village and build up. The air had now become so impure that many people died of it, everyone had to escape to another city because the whole area had become uninhabitable due to all the dangerous gases that hung in the air. The beautiful village has changed into a sad atmosphere, the air has become dark due to the toxic substances, all nature is gone and there is no one living there anymore. After hundreds of years the village starts to recover, some plants are starting to grow and some animals started to live in this area. But it would never be what it once was, the air is still damaged by all the harmful substances and therefore still not many people can live there.

Progress Photoshop
Final render
Different renders
Progress Blender
Mood & Syle board
Welcome to my world "Stack up city"

Welcome to my world "Stack up city"
