Ocean waste is a big deal. There may be other that are more important, but it is one to be aware of.
A lot of our waste is going into the ocean and not only effecting the sea life, but our own lives as well. The waste the ocean life consumes goes into their bodies we then consume sea life. It is a toxic cycle of unhealthy practice.
So, I decided to create a mock campaign. As if I were submitting a poster campaign to the ad council. Fist step brain storming. Here are some of the sketches that were part of the process.

Then as part of my research I looked at visual assets to get me inspired. Thinking of different ways I could communicate my message.
Finlay the I started going into the drafts of the different posters. I wanted to do a cartoonist style of fish living in trash shanties and trashy cloths.
I decided to go a different direction when I was doing more research on the topic. As well as realizing that the cartoonist style may not hit the target audience that I wanted. The next set of drafts have a more serous tone to it and have a better communication of the message that I want to send.
Finally, cleaning up the presentation a little, making the image a little more believable.
Ocean Waste Ad

Ocean Waste Ad
